September 18, 2023 Link to heading

I had the incredible opportunity to present “Adaptive Systems Design” at DevCon in Boston this week, and I am excited to share my experience. The event was nothing short of amazing, with a room filled with over 200 enthusiastic Software Engineers and Managers from Amazon and Amazon Web Services (AWS). The energy in the room was truly palpable, and it was an honor to engage with such a passionate audience.

The Workshop: A Deep Dive into Adaptive Systems Design Link to heading

DevCon conference workshop presentation - Derick Chen - presenting on stage

The session focused on a prescriptive approach to software design, where I introduced a three-phased methodology to systematically ensure incremental design quality while minimizing accidental complexities. The response from the audience was overwhelming, with attendees keen to dive deeper into the specifics.

One of the highlights was the engagement and questions from the participants. The dialogue continued for another hour after the session ended, where we explored design tradeoffs and discussed architectural insights into many production systems at Amazon. This level of interaction and curiosity from the audience underscored the relevance and importance of adaptive design in today’s fast-evolving tech landscape.

A Thriving Community of Innovators Link to heading

DevCon conference workshop audience - Derick Chen - full house with lines out of the door

The enthusiasm at DevCon was not limited to my workshop. The entire event buzzed with innovative ideas and deep technical discussions. Over the past few days, I enjoyed numerous in-depth conversations with fellow attendees, exchanging knowledge and experiences. These interactions were incredibly enriching and highlighted the collaborative spirit that drives our industry forward.

Gratitude and Looking Ahead Link to heading

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my expertise at DevCon and to learn from the amazing community that gathered in Boston. Special thanks to Anand Chitale, Hyungoo Lee, Ankush Tale, Alexander Antaya, Pablo Alcocer, David Sherline, Pranav Chaudhary, and many others for their valuable contributions and making this experience unforgettable.

A heartfelt thank you to Unni Pillai, Joel H. Garcia, Raja SP, DJ Edwards, and Mary Crandell for their support and efforts in making this event possible. Your dedication to fostering a platform for learning and sharing is truly commendable.

Staying Connected Link to heading

As we continue to push the boundaries of software design, I look forward to staying in touch with the incredible people I met at DevCon. I am eager to hear how you apply the principles of Adaptive Systems Design to your projects and the impact it has on your work. Let’s continue this journey of innovation and excellence together!

Thank you, DevCon community, for an unforgettable experience. Let’s keep the momentum going and continue to shape the future of software design!